

Our Citizenship program offers comprehensive services and direct support to newly arrived immigrants and individuals navigating life in the United States. Our aim is to assist Bay Area immigrants in obtaining lawful permanent resident status (commonly known as a green card) and attaining U.S. citizenship.

Citizenship shouldn’t be this hard

we want to help ! 

At the heart of our client-centered case management approach lie principles of advocacy, compassion, and justice. Our case managers, accredited by the Department of Justice, and in house attorney possess extensive experience in working with individuals from underserved backgrounds. They are deeply committed to helping clients understand their rights and make informed choices about their future.

Since the fall of 2017, VACCEB’s citizenship instructor has helped over 100 students become naturalized U.S. citizens.

To schedule an appointment, please contact us.

Hien Ava Gonzales-Lam - | (813) 400-7594

Please leave your name and phone number in your message.


Classes are now open for enrollment and are free! For more information or to register for ESL classes, please contact Hien Ava Gonzales-Lam.

VACCEB’s citizenship program features a comprehensive 10-week course tailored to equip students with the ability to navigate the naturalization interview and civics exam. Covered topics encompass reading, writing, and speaking English, as well as civics and American History.

To enroll in class, please contact our instructor:

Current Class Schedule:
Citizenship test prep - Thursday 3:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Citizenship test prep - Sunday 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Hien Ava Gonzales-Lam - | (813) 400-7594

Please leave your name and phone number in your message.

Citizenship test prep