For over 20 years, the Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay (VACCEB) has been a refuge and resource for low-income, South-East Asians and other underrepresented immigrant communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. From providing food security, health and wellness, to education and employment, we have become a focal point of community life for our seniors. In addition to program services, we are also involved in advocacy activities to protect funding for seniors and to promote public policies that are helpful to the aging population and low-income communities.
Annually, VACCEB serves over 19,200 nutritious meals and distributes 28,00 grocery bags to seniors and their families. On average we handle over 1,512 hours of appointments annually and help educate 200+ students through our ESL, computer literacy, and citizenship courses. Our bi-annual health fairs provide medical services to over 500 individuals and to help educate our community members on current medical news. VACCEB has helped over 100 individuals achieve naturalized US citizenship and foster civic engagement and advocacy for our community members.
VACCEB offer’s complete wrap around client centered services to low-income clients in a culturally relevant and appropriate way. We are an agent for public agencies and have successfully applied public funding to the delivery of program services for our communities. VACCEB provides a variety of support services including access to nutritional meals, senior programs, housing assistance, immigration and education services, English as a Second Language classes, and employment development. Our services aim to help our community members achieve economic self-sufficiency and integration

“ Estoy muy agradecida con el Centro Vietnamita que ayuda a toda la gente, sin importar la clase social o raza que seamos. Nos ha ayudado a tener comida durante toda la pandemia. En mi familia estamos muy agradecidos con la asistencia de comida que hemos recibimos por parte de ustedes. Esto nos ha ayudado muchísimo a mi familia y a mí. Muchas gracias.”
“ I am very thankful for the Vietnamese American Community Center, which has helped all individuals no matter their social class or race. They have helped us get food during the entire pandemic. In my family, we are so grateful for the food assistance that we've received from you. It has helped me and my family a lot. Thank you so much. ”